Do you want to seek the services of a security agency for the installation of fire detection systems for your office or your home? Specialist in customizing and designing security systems, PRIME PROTECTION offers its expertise of over 20 years in the field of security for optimum fire detection in your office or home.
The quality of our security systems is guaranteed by our numerous accreditations SGS, SES, SWISS QUALITY and Pako CoPa.
Regarding fire laws, you must comply with established laws. Smoke detectors are required whether in private homes or public buildings. If your accommodation is not yet equipped with smoke detectors you must install them quickly in order to comply with fire detection standards.
PRIME PROTECTION'S supply of fire detection systems for private individuals or commercial businesses includes:
The features of our fire detection systems include:
As part of prevention it is also essential to establish an evacuation plan in case of fire occurring in your facility. As part of the evacuation plan your building must be equipped with signaling pathways evacuations but also security lighting.
As part of fire protection, smoke detectors are of course required, but it is mandatory to have a means of extinguishing fire in order to act quickly in case of a fire starting. The presence of fire extinguishers allows you to control early fire while waiting for rescue services. If the declared fire is small you can put it out before it spreads. Using sprinkler provides even more security to your premises.
PRIME PROTECTION's fire detection systems are certified by the Association of Swiss Security System Builders and by the Société Générale de Surveillance. Our fire detection systems therefore meet safety standards and criteria guaranteeing their quality and performance.